The event was opened by: Maxim Shevchuk, CEO of the AVA Group, and Oleg Baran, CEO of Barkom Ltd.
During the opening ceremony, the AVA Group Sales Director, Ivan Smal, Head of the Pig Production Department of Barkom LLC, Sylvain Longchamps, the Product Manager and Representative of Swinco Int. B.V. in Ukraine, Volodymyr Shylo, and the AVA Group Marketing Director, Vitaliy Shkarban, gave speeches highlighting how much the pig industry needs cup systems like this and how important they are. Such innovative solutions can significantly improve pig productivity and, ultimately, the economic efficiency of the business as a whole.
The Opticare Automix 24/7 cup system helps you achieve a number of goals:
– reducing production costs
– increasing the turnover of the farm;
– increasing meat yield in terms of heads and in kilograms with minimal investment
– improving the functionality of sows.
Barkom Ltd. is a family-owned company engaged in crop and livestock farming, with its own meat processing plant, bakery, and a chain of meat and bakery stores called Rodynna Kovbaska, as well as its own logistics. The number of pigs concerned is 5 thousand sows or about 60 thousand in total.
We wish Barkom Ltd. success in pig breeding, large growth and successful business in the future.
With strength and inspiration, we are implementing new projects at Ukrainian advanced pig farms! We’re working together to raise healthy piglets!