The excessive breakdown of dietary protein in the rumen results in the production of urea. Ruminants have evolved the ability to recycle this urea in the rumen though, where it is used by certain rumen microbes as a building block for microbial protein synthesis. Harnessing this natural recycling mechanism, the feeding of urea can be used to directly support the production of high-quality rumen microbial protein.
In the rumen, urea is highly soluble and is rapidly broken down to ammonia (NH3) which is utilized by rumen microbes. However, high concentrations of NH3 are toxic to ruminants and as a consequence are quickly removed from the rumen. This means that only a small amount of feed grade urea is directly used by the rumen microbes, with the remainder either recycled via the animal back to the rumen or converted to nitrogenous waste. Both of these latter processes represent an additional energy demand for the animal.

Victurea® is a protected urea product that slows down the release of urea in the rumen using a unique encapsulation technology (Figure 1). Due to the more gradual release of urea, with Victurea® up to 100% of the urea can be directly utilized by the rumen microbes. Relative to unprotected feed grade urea, this results in a decreased ammonia toxicity risk as well as minimizing the chance of ammonia deficiency occurring (Figure 2).

Use of Victurea® in ruminant rations also has a wide range of additional benefits:
Due to its high nitrogen content, Victurea® is equivalent to a protein content of 254%. This means Victurea® has a high replacement rate for protein-rich feed ingredients. For example, 100 g of Victurea® can replace 600 g of soybean meal with a protein content of 42%. This results in a substantial cost saving for ruminant rations.
Due to the high replacement rate of Victurea® for protein rich ingredients, space is created in the ration. This increases formulation flexibility by enabling the use of other important or more cost-effective feed ingredients. For example with dairy cows the space can be filled with additional energy for high performing animals, or with byproducts that are less nutrient dense in order to decrease ration cost and footprint.
Victurea® is produced in Palital’s own production facilities in the Netherlands with raw materials sourced in an environmentally responsible manner. The carbon footprint of Victurea® has been calculated, and is always significantly lower than that of any of the protein-rich feed ingredients it replaces. As such, Victurea® can be directly used as a tool to decrease the environmental footprint of ruminant rations.
The steady rumen ammonia level generated by Victurea® enables optimal rumen microbial protein synthesis and sustained ammonia provision. The latter is particularly important for rumen fiber degrading microbes which have an essential requirement for ammonia. This means farmers can be confident even when feeding right up to the maximum dosage level.
Victurea® is approved as a complementary feed in the EU which eliminates the need for farm safety documentation. This means it can be flexibly used on farm, including ad-hoc use to top up the protein content of rations when needed. For example when the protein content of fresh pasture or silage is unexpectedly low for a limited period of time.
In conclusion, use of Victurea® is a safe and reliable way to optimize rumen microbial protein synthesis as well as a tool to improve ration cost, footprint and adaptability without compromising animal health or performance.