Protein concentrate with a high level of bypass for maximum performance and health


Protein concentrate with a high level of bypass for maximum performance and health


AVAMIX INTENSE is a rumen-protected protein concentrate for high-performance ruminants. They help you easily balance your ration in terms of rumen undegradeble protein (RUP) and digestible metabolic protein (DVE) without additional stress on the rumen and liver.


High nutritional value

High protein bypass and in 1.5 times more metabolic protein (DVE) than traditional sources

High performance
  • Increases the potential of milk production
  • increases the economic efficiency of  dairy farm
  • helps to reduce the level of urea in milk
  • provides high growth of young cattle and beef cattle
Preservation of health
  • ensures rumen and liver health
  • improves reproductive performance
  • ideal during heat stress



Up to 1-1.5 kg per head is enough. According to the level of bypass protein (RUP), 1 kg of AVAMIX INTENS 80 replaces 2 kg of soybean cake in the ration. So you can buy less and get more


freeing up space  space in the ration for cheaper components


easy to use and suitable for any ration


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Video demonstrates how AVAMIX INTENS works in the cattle digestive system

The total crude protein consumed by the cow first enters the rumen, where part of it is fermented by microorganisms (RDP fraction), broken down into nitrogen (N) and used for bacteria vital activity.

In normal conditions, microbial populations in the rumen are constantly renewed. A certain amount of them regularly enters the small intestine with feed – this is how ruminants provide themselves with microbial protein.


The potential for microbial protein production in the rumen is limited. Therefore, sto stimulate milk production, it is necessary to increase the content of bypass protein.This will help to provide cattle with a reliable source of metabolic protein (DVE).

The part of the protein that has not been fermented in the rumen (RUP fraction, bypass protein) passes to the intestine and is digested by enzymes. The amount of microbial protein and bypass protein (RUP) is the DVE (metabolic protein).


The level of DVE in the rationis a real driver of cow milk performance . The higher the productivity, the higher the level of DVE a cow needs.


Thanks to its high rumen fermentation protection of 80%, AVAMIX INTENS retains its high feed value and provides animals with high and accurate DVE levels.   Bypass protein Avamix Intens has a high potential for increasing animal productivity (milk and meat).


In contrast to traditional protein sources such as soybean and sunflower cake and meal, which have unstable levels of bypass protein, AVAMIX INTENS provides a guaranteed high level of RUP (>70% and >80%).

It is a reliable and efficient source of metabolic protein that supports  dairy cow performance and the economic benefits of your farm.

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DVE (g/kg of DM/)
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To produce 1 liter of milk (fat content – 4%, protein content – 3.3%), a cow needs about 52-57 g of metabolic protein (CVB, 2022).


AVAMIX INTENS is a specially developed product based on many years of research and   experience, which confirms its high efficiency in real-life farm conditions. We guarantee the quality of the product through constant monitoring and high requirements for the selection of components, as well as qality analysis of the finished product in the European laboratory.


More than 200 customers have already experienced the benefits of using AVAMIX INTENS on their farms

Reducing and maintaining the urea content in milk within the normal range is what we were looking for. AVAMIX INTENS has fully met our expectations.


Dairy owner

Kyiv region

We have noticed an increase in productivity and a significant improvement in the health of our animals, as well as a reduction in overall protein source costs. We have been using Avamix Intens 80 for 3 years now.

Meat processing technologist

Lviv region

When using Avamix Intens in our diets, it is easier to achieve the required level of metabolic protein. After all, I set high standards, more than 95 g/kg of dry matter. The productivity of dairy cows has increased, and we have saved feed costs. This product really makes a difference!

Dairy technologist

Vinnytsia region

By using Avamix Intens in dairy cows’ diets, I clearly understand what level of protein bypass I can expect. Whereas, using traditional soybean and sunflower cake and meal, we can only predict, because the level of their protein bypass is not stable and not confirmed and ranges from 20 to 45%, approximately.

Dairy farm owner

Poltava region


We offer comprehensive solutions for the development of your business:

Consulting services

Expert support at all stages of feeding

Ration calculation

Customized solutions to maximize the productivity of your farm

Monitoring the level of urea in milk

Milk quality analysis directly on the farm using a mobile analyzer

Feed research

Analysis of feed on the basis of our own laboratory and selection of the best components for feeding


Find out more about how AVAMIX INTENS can increase the productivity of your farm. Leave a request and get a free consultation from our experts.

Contact us and we will respond to your request as soon as possible



Bypass protein is the part of any ingredient’s protein that is not broken down in the rumen, but is digested in the small intestine by enzymes. It provides the body with high-quality amino acids that are essential for maintaining the animal’s vital functions, as well as stimulating milk production and growth.


Total protein for ruminants is usually divided into fractions.

The RDP fraction (rumen degradable protein) is fermented by microorganisms to nitrogen (N) and used for their vital activity.


Under normal conditions, microbial populations in the rumen are constantly renewed. A certain amount of them regularly enters the small intestine with the feed – this is how ruminants provide themselves with microbial protein.


The bypass protein fraction (RUP) is not broken down by microorganisms in the rumen, but is digested and absorbed in the intestine, providing the animal with a reliable source of metabolic protein, which is so important for milk production.

The amount of microbial protein and the amount of bypass protein (RUP) is the DVE (digestible intestinal protein/metabolizable protein).

The use of commercial products with guaranteed bypass protein content allows you to provide cows with reliable and high levels of metabolic protein without overloading the rumen with excessive amounts of ammonia. This, in turn, increases productivity, improves milk quality, reduces urea levels in milk, and ensures rumen and liver health and reduces culling rates in high-yield cows.

The level of DVE (metabolic protein) in the ration is a driver of cow milk production. The higher the productivity, the higher the level of DVE is required. The potential for microbial protein production in the rumen is limited, so to stimulate high milk production, it is necessary to increase the bypass protein content and maintain it at 95-100mg/kg of dry matter.

There are several ways to control of protein level and protein type.


METHOD 1 – ANALYSIS OF MILK UREA NITROGEN (MUN). The amount of milk urea nitrogen (MUN) is an indicator of the protein feeding and cow health. It helps to assess the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. The norm of milk urea nitrogen (MUN) is considered to be 8-12 mg/dl. However, this numbers is quite individual for each farm.

  • A low MUN level (<8 mg/dL) may indicate a deficiency of rumen derived protein (RDP) in the rationor an imbalance in protein and carbohydrate breakdown. It is believed that the potential of the rumenis not being utilized.
  • A high MUN (> 12 mg/dL) indicates an excess of rumen protein (RDP), an imbalance of protein and carbohydrate breakdown, and thus inefficient rumen function, otherwise, a lack of energy and fermentable carbohydrates.

The amount of urea nitrogen in milk is a fairly effective indicator for adjusting herd management. Its excess actually indicates an excess of urea in the cow’s body, which has a number of negative factors on the economics of milk production and cow health:

  • disruption of rumen function;
  • toxic effects on the cattle;
  • low efficiency of protein feeding;
  • loss of profit;
  • decrease in reproduction rates;
  • low viability and development of embryos (impact on progesterone levels);
  • uterine ph, Mg and K absorption, which negatively affects cow fertility.

METHOD 2 – ANALYSIS OF MILK FAT LEVEL. The lack of available protein in the rumen leads to a decrease in the growth and development of the necessary microbial populations, which in turn reduces the synthesis of volatile fatty acids, in particular acetic acid, thereby negatively affecting the fat content of milk.

METHOD 3 – ANALYSIS OF COW MANURE: Changes in manure consistency are a direct indicator of rumen health. Its visual analysis can help assess the balance of protein and carbohydrate breakdown in the rumen.

Avamix Intens bypass protein has the lowest cost ofmetabolic protein unit (DVE). If you provide a high DVE ration, you can spend less and get more with these products. The products also have a proven positive effect on increasing cow productivity.  Due to its high nutritional value and optimal digestibility, bypass protein increases the economic efficiency of production by reducing feed costs and improving performance.

Cow consumes about 52-57 g of DVE (metabolic protein for every liter of milk produced.). The norm of DVE in the diet of dairy cows is 95-105 g/kg of dry matter consumed, and high-yield cows – more than 100 g/kg DM. Our nutrition consultants will help you find the best solution. If your goal is to increase milk production, it is ideal to take into account the approach of precision and intelligent feeding, where bypass protein can help you.

Yes, Bypass Protein can be effectively combined with other feed additives to create a balanced diet for maximum results.

Bypass protein is suitable for the diets of all ruminants. Young animals that have a poorly developed or undeveloped rumen do not need to be fed bypass protein. For example, these are calves 0-3 months old.