- Modern pig production today faces challenges such as increasing production intensity and constant changes in animal needs due to genetic development. Therefore, efficient pig production requires not only high-quality feed but also the correct use of feed additives.
- This is where feed additives come in, supplementing pigs’ diets with essential nutrients, and improving digestion, productivity, and overall health.
- AVA GROUP offers comprehensive solutions aimed at improving the diets of your animals, which helps to optimize feed costs and increase the economic efficiency of pig production. Our feed additives include mycotoxin adsorbents, acidifiers, enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids, and heat stress agents.
To ensure the welfare, productivity, and health of animals on your farms, AVA GROUP offers the best feed additives on the market, produced by ourselves and world brands
Mycotoxins produced by mold fungi can cause disease, reduce productivity, and even lead to animal death. In many cases, the source of these toxins is feed contaminated with mold.

Essential Toxin Plus provides a broad spectrum of protection against various mycotoxins and binds and removes them from the animal’s body, preventing poisoning and disease. The use of broad-spectrum adsorbents from the European manufacturer ORFFA in pig feeding ensures health protection, increases productivity, and reduces the risk of losses in the herd.

Animal health and high feed conversion rates are key to the sustainability and efficiency of pork production. Therefore, one of the objectives of feeding is to minimize all factors that can negatively affect animal immunity and productivity.

Acidifiers improve the digestibility of feed nutrients, reduce the risk of feed stress in piglets, stabilize stomach pH, and boost animal immunity. The use of acidifiers in pig diets increases the level of animal productivity on the farm and reduces mortality.
Young grain contains organic matter that cannot be digested by the animal’s body, which hinders digestion and reduces feed efficiency.

AVAZIM helps to break down complex substances in young grain into simpler ones, increasing their availability to the body. This increases the digestibility of nutrients in the pig’s diet and improves feed conversion.

Дефіцит незамінних жирних кислот в раціоні суттєво впливає на репродуктивні якості свиней, життєздатність поросят, імунітет кнурів, свиноматок та поросят.

Омега-3 жирні кислоти мають величезний позитивний вплив на рентабельність вирощування свиней. Їх включення до раціонів свиноматок покращує репродуктивні показники, збереженість поросят та загальний стан здоров’я свиней на фермі. Кнурі, які споживають корм збагачений омега-3 жирними кислотами продукують сперму зі значно кращою концентрацією та життєздатністю сперматозоїдів, а це, в свою чергу, підвищує кількість живонароджених поросят.
High temperatures cause heat stress in pigs, which leads to a significant decrease in productivity and poses a threat to the life and health of the animals.

ANTI STRESS helps to cope with the effects of high temperatures on pigs. The use of the additive prevents animal exhaustion, improves productivity, and stabilizes production parameters on the farm during the hottest periods of the year.

Expert experience
AVA GROUP has more than 18 years of experience in developing and implementing innovative solutions for livestock production. Our products are used on many leading pig farms in Ukraine and other countries.
Individual approach
We understand that every farm has its characteristics. That's why we offer customized solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your farm.
Science-based solutions
Our products are developed based on the latest research in the field of animal husbandry, which guarantees their compliance with the highest standards.
Proven performance
All of our feed additives are subject to rigorous efficacy and safety testing. We ensure that our solutions work and deliver results.
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Contact us to find out more about our feed solutions and how they can improve the efficiency of your farm.
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